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Sundar Narayanan : Desi Engineer in California married to a Desi Engineer. This is a log of my travel experience, food reviews and life's "little" quirks. . .
Disclaimer : My thoughts on this site are not intended to cause physical emotional or financial harm to any person or thing mentioned in this site or to the reader and I take no responsibiilty for the same.. So read at your own risk!! I also hope this font is large enough to be considered legal and small enough not to make my blog ugly !
posted by Sundar @ 10:50 PM
7 Viewers Thoughts
I tried commenting on your recent post about wheezing but was unable to. Hence leaving the comment here.
Have you tried a nebulizer with albuterol or ipratropium bromide for wheezing? It usually works better than using an albuterol inhaler and you may want to use the nebulizer everyday for a week or two. The medicine singulair helps as well but it works long term. Hope you get better soon.
thanks GV.
I did try it and it helped.
they also gave me a steroid and that I had to be weaned off slowly.
Very thoughtful---
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Women enjoy a handbag these are making use of it when they are traveling or dealing with a party etc.
Very creativve post
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