How to embarrass your parents - A lesson
I took Jr. on a list of social errands. We go to this house and this lady tells Jr.
You are a very pretty Girl !
Jr. with a shy look and turning her head from side to side
I was just shocked. "Thank you" , would have been an acceptable answer ! But, "I know" ?????
What ever happened to being modest ?
The lady gave me a look which pretty much said "So this is how you raise your daughter ? you are in big trouble mister "..
I couldnt agree more..
I think its ok...! I've seen many kids do that..when they are young.
Also - She is going to be a Harischandran looks like...Unmai..Unmai..Unmai.!!
Cutie pie.!
narayanan sir, this is the first time I am seeing this !!
i dont know where this is going to end..
how do you teach your kid to be humble without being negative ?
wa, I know why you are laughing because you have put more than one post on how your Jr. embarasses you !!! Yaam petra inbam logicla dhane sirikkareenga ?
:D The reason for the smile being, I was more or less in the same situation couple of weeks ago, the other people involved were my colleague and his teenage son. Not only did the teenage son respond to my compliment as 'Yeah I know', but also added to it the father was beaming with pride at the child's response.
Kids are adept at doing this and more! Its just a matter of time before the junior moves to being senior. She would learn all the niceties and more!
For sometime, she is just going to say whats there on her mind. These are fleeting years. Make the most of it !
wa, thanks for clarifying
kavi, well said. enjoying every minute of it.
Hilarious :). Your kid is normal for this decade :). One of my sister's friend complimented by niece on her third birthday saying "Nive, you are very pretty" and my niece response was "Oh no, I am gorgeous " :).
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