National Geographic Presents..
(or would have been proud to present)
Baby captured in secret video..
If my laptop had eyes, it would definitely cry !!!
Sundar Narayanan : Desi Engineer in California married to a Desi Engineer. This is a log of my travel experience, food reviews and life's "little" quirks. . .
Disclaimer : My thoughts on this site are not intended to cause physical emotional or financial harm to any person or thing mentioned in this site or to the reader and I take no responsibiilty for the same.. So read at your own risk!! I also hope this font is large enough to be considered legal and small enough not to make my blog ugly !
(or would have been proud to present)
posted by Sundar @ 11:06 PM
4 Viewers Thoughts
I could see that how well she managed the key board... Baby in the right direction .. good one save it for her ... when she will grew up she will feel proud of it...
LOL !! So now you know ! Someday, when she is digging for something else, she is going to be careful of a secret video !!
LOL !! So now you know ! Someday, when she is digging for something else, she is going to be careful of a secret video !!
swantantra, i also plan to save the broken laptop for her to be proud of!
kavi, WA once said " i hope you are still blogging when your kids are teenagers".. lets hope that happens.
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