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Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Came home yesterday to find the kids watching videos in different rooms. A closer look revealed that they were watching the "same" program. Arthur which plays on PBS was being watched through Youtube on a laptop in the living room and an ipad in the family room.

Why this madness I asked the kids.

"She doesn't want to share!" came the reply in unison from two different rooms.

"But you are watching the same episode! Couldn't you put the ipad on the table and watch?" said an exasperated daddy and the response was

"she smells" from one kid and "she keeps tilting the ipad towards her" said the other one..

whatever be the reasons, have successfully raised two kids who will not be carpooling when they reach driving age.

Not happy with this.

Have to do something to teach them to share, not waste electricity and more importantly teach them to tolerate each other.

The iPad will have to disappear for a few days!


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I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Good for you, Dad! Teach them the hard stuff! ~Angela

I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Ram Ramanathan wrote...

Well, the silver lining is one of them is willing to watch it on a Thinkpad and both aren't fighting over the iPad!! Glass half full!! :)

I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 9:53 AM, Blogger dipali wrote...

Lack of tolerance and sharing because of the existence of alternatives. They'll find some other stuff not to share!

I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 9:17 PM, Blogger Unknown wrote...

Angela, I get a D-



these days they are both fighting over the ipad


Dipali, you are 100% correct. guess you have enough and more experience to be nostradamus ..



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