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Saturday, January 30, 2010


After watching the Obama question and answer session with the Republican Caucus (thanks to Laks), and the way the press headlines come out, I am fairly convinced that no improvement is possible even if everyone (Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike) is in favor of improving things.

If A and B have to agree on something..

A: Let's do X
B: No. Lets do Y instead
A: Ok, we will do Y
B: No, anything you do cannot be good, even if it is something that came out of my mouth..

This is classic Dilbert material and can be condensed to few bullet points..

. Good ideas do not come from other people!

. If it was that easy, someone else would have done it already!

. It is my job to not agree with you and I cannot even agree with you on that!

The President actually admits that it is not possible for the democrats to say nice things about Republicans either (and the Republican dude who asked the last question just proved the point Obama was making) and that just proves that the real issue behind not moving anywhere on anything that matters is the political pre-requisite that both parties have imposed on themselves to not agree with the other party.

The sick thing is that the Press and the People are being blamed for it.

Based on the headlines, have given up hopes on the Press getting its act together.

But the people, they are another story. For my part going to make a conscious effort to stop seeing Republicans as war mongering, anti-gay, male chauvinist, anti-immigrant, non-scientific, religious zealots..

Ooops.. did I just do what that Republican did before asking his question?

Seriously, I will try to be more open minded...


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I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 5:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...


"If A and B have to agree on something..

A: Let's do X
B: No. Lets do Y instead
A: Ok, we will do Y
B: No, anything you do cannot be good, even if it is something that came out of my mouth.."

you missed completing what happens next.

voting happens - not on "X" but on "Y". a's chelas - obviously - vote yes, but b's chelas - just as obviously - vote no.

then, a announces to the world how he tried to get "X" passed but could not get it done because of b!

- s.b.


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