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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Where's your Jimik ?

LO: Do you love your Jimik?

Me: !!!!????

LO: The new van you have! The Jimik!

Me: Why do you call the van a Jimik?

LO: Drags me to the van and shows me.. "See, it says Jimik here!"

We all had a good laugh. Then told her it is GMC and not Jimic.

We returned the rental back today and got back our own van all fixed and washed and looking nice again. I did not like the Jimik because it was too big, too dark (all black inside) and the buttons were too difficult to figure out. The little one started protesting when we had to return the van. Apparently she loved the Jimik!

Now that the old van is back, she told me "Actually, I like our van better. It is nice!"

Familiarity for once, has ruled!

There is also a sense of things getting back to normal with the return of the van. We will hopefully get a nice rest over the long weekend and recharge.


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I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 11:34 PM, Blogger Kavi wrote...

Jimik ! Indeed. The way GM is going down, well a lot of gimmicks will be required !!

Jimiks too !



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