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Monday, April 07, 2008

Who are these "guys"?

Just as I was breathing a sigh of relief on account of saving the "guys" topic with Jr. on the previous post, the little one decides to overuse the word "guys". We must have heard it a few thousand times in the last 48 hours!

Still do not know where she heard this. Obviously she picked it up from someplace. Keeps talking to these imaginary "guys" on the phone, sometimes more than 10 minutes at a time.

Here is a secret video of the little one talking to her imaginary...

Do you notice her say things like "He was so rude. I dont like that!"

The little one was roaming around the house in her "jatti" because we were potty training her and were pretty much under house arrest during the weekend. Thanks to her phone call and the secret videos, we were not bored one bit!

Who are these guys? Why am I being given a sneak peak into the future? Why this early? What is the rush to have these coy conversations with imaginary dudes? Maybe she is breaking me early?

I stand no chance!


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I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Awww...She's hilarious. :D
Almost potty trained and talking to imaginary boys on the phone. You've got a trouble maker! You have no chance of sanity with these girls :D

In response to your previous comment, I think I'll be too far away from the trendy things kids do by then.I'll certainly have general ideas.

The mere mention of the word 'guys'(even if it was completely innocent as a way to refer to girlfriends)my mom's radar would be high and disapproving. So we learnt the art of avoiding such language and started using other creative words or the plain backup of 'dude' instead.

I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Can't see the video but just wanted to say that I often use the word guys when I am talking to a group of female friends and I think a lot of other people do the same

I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 11:47 PM, Blogger Unknown wrote...

sivajini, understand.. guys is now generic.. a bunch of female guys. . . get it now! I think..

WA, you have to see this video. will send shivers down your spine. She will be 2 1/2 in a month.. this is one scary guy? talking to some imaginary guys..


I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 3:25 AM, Blogger Kavi wrote...

LOL !! She is.... :D !!

I gather that you had hopes of having a chance!

What were you thinking Sundar ?

I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 8:08 AM, Blogger Shobha wrote...

OMG, that is so cute! :)

My son's the same age as her and he does these imaginary calls too .. and he loved watching this one.

Just adorable!

I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 9:13 AM, Blogger mitr_bayarea wrote...


really adorable the way she walks around and talks to her imaginary counterpart....keep these good memories.

I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

2 and a half!!!!! 2 and a half!!! That is scary. I remember your posts before she was born. Bah soon I will be acting like my mum or grandmum telling kids how much they've grown since I saw them last. This is scary

I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

This is absolutely adorable!

I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 8:20 PM, Blogger dipali wrote...

What an animated conversation!
Which of you parents paces around while on the phone?


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