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Friday, March 21, 2008

Upping the ante?

Conversations with the little one.

Pick her up from daycare

Me : Lets go home
LO : go to akka's school
Me : Mommy is already gone to the school
LO : why are you not pickuping her?

another day

LO : Wake up akka!
Jr.: Go away. I want to sleep
LO : comes running to the living room and shouts "She is not wakeupping!"

apparently Pick up , Wake up , etc. are single words!


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I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 7:53 PM, Blogger mayG wrote...

awww this is so cute :D trust kids to keep us entertained 24/7!

I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 10:48 PM, Blogger Unknown wrote...

mayg, they sure do..


I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Hey Sundar, chk this out


I am not responsible for comments posted by others... At 10:15 PM, Blogger Kavi wrote...

Yes. Uppifying the ante !!


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